Good Policy Society is committed to preserving the ideals that have made America the most prosperous, free and benevolent country the world has ever known.

These are the timeless principles of America’s Founders, embodied in the Constitution, that are the basis of a society free from government tyranny.

Specifically, we believe in personal responsibility, less government intrusion and more freedom.

Good policy is grounded in free-market solutions. This helps ensure the human spirit can thrive, enabling every American, regardless of special interest or groups, to succeed and prosper.


We cover a wide range of issues, including taxes, spending, health care, education and criminal justice reform, among others.

The fiscal condition of governments at all levels in the U.S. is poor and continuing to deteriorate.

We know the government taxes and spends too much, creating dangerous debt for us and future generations. It’s wasteful spending restricts jobs and opportunity to achieving the American Dream.

The federal government is deep in debt — $22.5 trillion at last count and increasing at almost $10,000 per second. That amounts to nearly $166,000 of debt for every U.S. taxpayer.

States are not much better off. Not surprisingly, highly-taxed, free-spending states like New Jersey, Illinois and Massachusetts are beset with financial problems. Texas is ranked only 23rd among U.S. states for fiscal health by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, behind states such as Florida, Ohio, and Oregon.

Cities are rapidly becoming ground zero in the fiscal disaster category. Led by runaway, and largely unfunded, pension obligations, over 50 cities have declared bankruptcy in just the last seven years. Municipal bankruptcy used to be virtually an unknown concept, but is now a commonly used practice by overextended, poorly managed cities.

Not only does poor government fiscal health deny taxpayers much needed services like police and fire protection, road and infrastructure repair, and many others, it inhibits strong economic growth because local and state economies are saddled with high taxes, high government borrowing, and oppressive fees, fines and a complex and burdensome regulatory state.